After seeing all the “How not to overindulge in the holidays” posts and blogs we are now being bombarded with “How to get back on track” newsletters and tips.
So let’s reset with some good, positive, general advice…
RELAX – A few days off will not ruin all the hard work you have put in over the course of the year. In most cases, its good for us and we all need a break! Holidays, parties, nights out with friends and family are a part of life and should be cherished. We do not need to beat ourselves up!
GOOD FITNESS HABITS – It is however important to re-establish your good habits. So whether you like working out early in the morning, in the evening or sometime during the day… get back into your good fitness routine as soon as possible. Remember endorphins are a wonderful thing!
FIND A WORKOUT BUDDY – Scheduling to meet a friend or family member for a workout makes us committed and keeps us honest! If someone is waiting for you, you will less likely cancel or just not show up.
NUTRITION – Clear your pantry and fridge of all left over treats and stock it with good, whole foods including fresh fruit and vegetables. This will help you get your good nutrition plan back on track naturally.
WATER – Drink lots of water to flush out your system and curb your snacking! Water is a wonderful resource to help cleanse our body and make our skin glow!
Here at High Country Fitness, we believe that life is about balance! There is no need for elaborate New Year’s Resolutions or commitments. Just remember holidays are just that – holidays. Get back into your normal health and fitness routine and you will be back on track in no time.
If you require a little help sign up to our New Year’s Resolution Boot Camp starting on Tuesday, 5th January 2016. This 4 week Boot Camp will reset your habits and help restart the New Year feeling fabulous!
Happy New Year … Bring on 2016!!!